Aug 18·edited Aug 18

Nice analysis.

I hope that people preparing V-P Harris for a debate with Trump listen to what happened to Malcolm Gladwell in a debate where he was confident he would win, because he had the facts and arguments (and morality) down pat: he got creamed by someone who knew how to debate.


That person was a former president of the Oxford Union, so a world-class debater, not a world-class liar and windbag like Trump. But the podcast is a useful lesson in how debates are different from policy discussions.

That's one of the problems Biden had, as well as not being able to concentrate when he needed to, and crummy preparation. (How could he have so badly botched his answer to the most easily predictable question of the evening: 'are you too old?' The answer was not his 'America is a great country' but 'I am old but I am wise. Nobody will ever call Trump wise. Cruel? Yes. Corrupt? Yes. Incompetent? Yes... etc' but Wise, never.)

So a couple of hours reflecting on the lessons Gladwell had so painfully rubbed into him would be a benefit.

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The Press calls these entertainment events "debates" which is a lie. A lazy lie.

A real debate is two reasonable people, talking in GOOD FAITH, about serious issues. In a courteous, mannerly, civilized manner. Like the Oxford Union debates. Dumb Donnie just can't do that. He isn't capable of Good Faith because of his petrified training in Bad Faith. Kamala speaks Good Faith. So there would be no intersection of ideas. It's a waste of everyone's time.

The Press and the "moderators" are so easily conned by Bad Faith. They used to be skeptical and called BS on liars like Donald. Now they report his lies as though they are true! And never, ever, ever ask the WHY questions. Digging for the reasons behind the lies is out of style.

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I doubt that the moderators of a real debate have any duty to question what one of the parties says. That's up to the other party. But presenting the debate to the public could involve someone else fact-checking in real time. (The moderators are not 'reporting' anything - they are just there to keep it civil and enforce time limits.)

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you're hitting the nail right on the head.

well-written and insightful

thank you

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As a mental health professional, I have watched Trump falling apart for years - even before others realized what they were seeing. It is now unmistakably obvious. I only hope it will matter. And yes, let’s be very respectful to Republicans who wish to remain Republicans (should their real party survive), and are deciding to either risk crossing the line or simply sit it out. This is not about the GOP. This is about MAGA. Knowing so many pained republicans who are sticking it out, or former republicans who switched, there are so many fine, thoughtful people who have been caught in a shit storm they didn’t help create.

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Well said! Trump lies & MAGA laps the bullshit up like manna from heaven instead of the steaming, wretched smelling giant pile of crap it truly is.

Kamala Harris & Tim Walz are a breath of fresh, sweet air. I am sad about Biden dropping out, but I feel better about the election.

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Fantastic article! Thank you and look forward to the DNC updates!

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Totally agree! He will get worse and worse. We must be prepared.

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Great article. Just when you think Trump has said it all, his words get uglier and uglier. No Joy there! Thanks, Reed, it is great to know that lots of good, decent people our connected in this fight. And fight we must.

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Unless the Republican Party changes their primary rules or he he’s dead, Trump will run again 2028. He has every reason to and no one in the GOP will stop him.

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With all due credit to Alphonse Giardello, never interrupt an adversary when he’s in the process of destroying himself.

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Awesome read. Thank you.

I know it’s going to get hideous.

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"We know what happens if Trump wins and have prepared ourselves for that eventuality."

Seriously: What will you do?

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Excellent article!!

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Great summary. Didn’t really need the reminder at the end about those of you who can afford to leave the country having your plan B in place, but are still counting on us plebeians to hopefully insure it’s just a vacation home and not a permanent residence for your family. Unless you have room for us you might want to keep that part to yourself.

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Great analysis!

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After yesterday’s Trump Video, all news organizations should pursue statements from his Party and leave Dems out of the fray. He is their Party. Let them swim in his shit.

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