Do you have any connection to Robert Reich? Today, Robert (who should know better) tantalizes his readers with a question about if Biden should run because he looks frail. Give me a break!!!!! The only good thing is that the rest of the story is buried in the "paid subscribers" section which I am not a part of. (and never will be after that!) Can you convince him to shut up and start supporting our President????
I’m a paid subscriber and totally agree with you. Disappointed that at this point he feels the need to question Biden’s ability. This goes hand in hand hand with the article Ezra Klein wrote yesterday. Too angry for words.
Putin killed Navalny. He bided his time but they both knew that eventually Putin would strike him down. But what was the precipitating moment? Why now? Surely it was meant as a message to the West. Call and response. Congressional Republicans have Navalny’s blood on their hands. If they’re willing to let Putin kill an entire nation, what’s the life of a single dissident already given up as lost.
“Speaker” Johnson and his puppeteer, DJT, openly abetted the murder of Alexei Navalny. There will be no consequences for any of them … yet. But here in America we must drive them mercilessly from the public square while we can. Every word of your battle cry is vital. It should be echoed a million times over, Reed. From the rooftops.
Do the work. A step at a time. Never give up. Never give in. INVICTUS.
Yes, Invictus! My mother often quoted the poem—so frequently that, from her saying it, I have it committed to heart.
I failed then to realize it as her message to me and to my sisters; or else why would she have quoted it so often:
“Out of the night that
That covers me,
Black as the pit
From pole to pole,
I thank whatever Gods may be,
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance,
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeoning of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find me unafraid.
“It matters not
how strait the gate,
how charged with punishments
the scroll.
I am the master of my fate,
I am the Captain of my soul!”
—William Ernest Henley
Thank you Reed! I’m not a willing martyr—would I do as Navalny did? I don’t know—I hope I’m never put to the test so starkly! Life always throws us a few curve balls, to mix metaphors, and I’ve had my share. I’ve also been blessed many times over by help when I’ve needed it from both my family and friends.
And so we continue, and, as have many thousands—perhaps hundreds of thousands—before us, we snatch up the flag before it falls and march on!
Thank you for sharing! If you’re a true American patriot, you’d realize how important this message is to save our democracy! We are all in this fight together against Traitor Trump, his Cult45, and Putin (Traitor Trump’s boss)!!
When will our Republican Senators and Congressmen going to grow a spine and stand up to the freaking MAGA minority? They were elected to do THE PEOPLES business and they will not stand up against the crazies that obstruct any effort to govern.
There are only two types of Republican politicians: those who actively support MAGA, and those who will oppose MAGA when they talk, but vote to support MAGA out of cowardice and ambition. There is no difference between the two groups when you look at their actions. The Republican party is corrupt and can only be rebuilt when it has repeatedly lost elections.
As for the inaction of many GOP lawmakers, I really think it is fear that prevents them from acting. The Donald has unleashed an untold number of violent armed supporters who now feel it is their “patriotic duty” to take the law into their own hands. Every US Congressional Senator and Representative has experienced the terror of January 6, when violent insurrectionists took over the US Capitol. Many called husbands and wives, fearing for their lives that day. Every member of the US Congress must now feel that he, or she, has a potential target on his or her
back. When the Capitol was breached, a few with military experience, rolled up their sleeves, ready to fight back, while others hid, or ran for their lives. (I would have been one of the latter group!)
It takes bravery to continue to walk through the doors into the Capitol—just to show up! “MAGA” supporters hold a special grudge against GOP members who cross Trump, seeing them as traitors to the cause.
As president, Trump spoke of “shit-hole” countries; his legacy is an attempt—nearly successful—to turn The United States into just that kind of place. That historically will be how he Is remembered….However, as the climate continues to become ever more erratic, I’m reminded of “Ozymandius.” How many years remain, before ours too, is a lost civilization, marked only by broken monuments in the dust, forgotten by time?
Even as I write, I know this sounds like hyperbole. Yet, we’ve seen the Great Salt Lake, in Utah, virtually dry up. We’ve seen predictions that the Colorado River of the west will run dry, leaving millions of people without access to water.
My own yard, in Austin, Texas, ten years ago, was filled with flowering vines and other flowering plants, some here when I arrived, many others which I planted, and which for several years, flourished here.
Most of them have since died, either from the recent drought, or earlier, in 2021, during a week of unseasonably cold weather, which this area had not seen, until the last three years. I had a large patch of prickly pear cactus, well-developed over many years—based on its size—which died in the winter storm on Valentine’s Day in 2021, which, with no more than three or four inches of snow, immobilized the city, leaving hundreds of thousands without power for days. At least 246 people died—the official toll—some from hypothermia. Others from carbon monoxide poisoning. The actual death toll may have been as high as 700. The economic cost has been estimated to be as high as $300 billion.
I do have sympathy for your difficulties in maintaining a garden. I live in Western Oregon. We have droughts, but none so severe that the rivers stop flowing. I have converted the irrigation system in my garden areas to drip irrigation to use water most efficiently and have planted drought resistant ground cover plants. I have no guidance at all on dealing with the temperature swings. My overall approach to gardening relies heavily on evolution; those plants that cannot take my heavy-handed gardening do not survive.
I understand the pressure applied to Republican politicians. I suspect most of them worry more about their political careers than they worry about their physical safety. There are plenty of examples of Republicans voted out of office for opposing MAGA, but no examples of Republicans being physically injured for that. I have no sympathy for someone who sacrifices their principles to save their political career.
"Moderate" Republican politicians sought leadership positions in government. They have access to security resources that are denied to most of us. Their physical risk is virtually non-existent. Yet they refuse to lead. They may bemoan some Trump statement, but not without immediately following up with a statement that Joe Biden is a "socialist" leading our country to ruin.
The failure of Republican "moderates" to lead according to their principles pushes us closer to an administration that relies on mobs to enforce its wishes. We've already seen it in the harassment of judges and prosecutors trying Trump crimes. A second Trump administration will make that worse. The threats received by Ruby Freeman and Shay Moss will be made to anyone from whom the administration wants acquiescence on some issue.
So, no, I have no sympathy for the terrified Republican politicians who have to go back to work after the J6 uprising. They are part of the problem, not victims.
Do you have any connection to Robert Reich? Today, Robert (who should know better) tantalizes his readers with a question about if Biden should run because he looks frail. Give me a break!!!!! The only good thing is that the rest of the story is buried in the "paid subscribers" section which I am not a part of. (and never will be after that!) Can you convince him to shut up and start supporting our President????
I’m a paid subscriber and totally agree with you. Disappointed that at this point he feels the need to question Biden’s ability. This goes hand in hand hand with the article Ezra Klein wrote yesterday. Too angry for words.
God Damn Right!
Absolutely inspiring! I am sharing this far and wide. Thank you so much.
Invictus, Baby. Invictus.
Putin killed Navalny. He bided his time but they both knew that eventually Putin would strike him down. But what was the precipitating moment? Why now? Surely it was meant as a message to the West. Call and response. Congressional Republicans have Navalny’s blood on their hands. If they’re willing to let Putin kill an entire nation, what’s the life of a single dissident already given up as lost.
“Speaker” Johnson and his puppeteer, DJT, openly abetted the murder of Alexei Navalny. There will be no consequences for any of them … yet. But here in America we must drive them mercilessly from the public square while we can. Every word of your battle cry is vital. It should be echoed a million times over, Reed. From the rooftops.
Do the work. A step at a time. Never give up. Never give in. INVICTUS.
My reply is below! Invictus! Our rallying cry.
This is by far the best commentary on this topic that I have read. Thank you.
Yes, Invictus! My mother often quoted the poem—so frequently that, from her saying it, I have it committed to heart.
I failed then to realize it as her message to me and to my sisters; or else why would she have quoted it so often:
“Out of the night that
That covers me,
Black as the pit
From pole to pole,
I thank whatever Gods may be,
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance,
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeoning of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find me unafraid.
“It matters not
how strait the gate,
how charged with punishments
the scroll.
I am the master of my fate,
I am the Captain of my soul!”
—William Ernest Henley
Thank you Reed! I’m not a willing martyr—would I do as Navalny did? I don’t know—I hope I’m never put to the test so starkly! Life always throws us a few curve balls, to mix metaphors, and I’ve had my share. I’ve also been blessed many times over by help when I’ve needed it from both my family and friends.
And so we continue, and, as have many thousands—perhaps hundreds of thousands—before us, we snatch up the flag before it falls and march on!
I will share this far and wide.
Thank you for sharing! If you’re a true American patriot, you’d realize how important this message is to save our democracy! We are all in this fight together against Traitor Trump, his Cult45, and Putin (Traitor Trump’s boss)!!
When will our Republican Senators and Congressmen going to grow a spine and stand up to the freaking MAGA minority? They were elected to do THE PEOPLES business and they will not stand up against the crazies that obstruct any effort to govern.
They will NEVER stand up to Trump. It is up to us to make sure they all get voted out and Trump never gets back in.
There are only two types of Republican politicians: those who actively support MAGA, and those who will oppose MAGA when they talk, but vote to support MAGA out of cowardice and ambition. There is no difference between the two groups when you look at their actions. The Republican party is corrupt and can only be rebuilt when it has repeatedly lost elections.
As for the inaction of many GOP lawmakers, I really think it is fear that prevents them from acting. The Donald has unleashed an untold number of violent armed supporters who now feel it is their “patriotic duty” to take the law into their own hands. Every US Congressional Senator and Representative has experienced the terror of January 6, when violent insurrectionists took over the US Capitol. Many called husbands and wives, fearing for their lives that day. Every member of the US Congress must now feel that he, or she, has a potential target on his or her
back. When the Capitol was breached, a few with military experience, rolled up their sleeves, ready to fight back, while others hid, or ran for their lives. (I would have been one of the latter group!)
It takes bravery to continue to walk through the doors into the Capitol—just to show up! “MAGA” supporters hold a special grudge against GOP members who cross Trump, seeing them as traitors to the cause.
As president, Trump spoke of “shit-hole” countries; his legacy is an attempt—nearly successful—to turn The United States into just that kind of place. That historically will be how he Is remembered….However, as the climate continues to become ever more erratic, I’m reminded of “Ozymandius.” How many years remain, before ours too, is a lost civilization, marked only by broken monuments in the dust, forgotten by time?
Even as I write, I know this sounds like hyperbole. Yet, we’ve seen the Great Salt Lake, in Utah, virtually dry up. We’ve seen predictions that the Colorado River of the west will run dry, leaving millions of people without access to water.
My own yard, in Austin, Texas, ten years ago, was filled with flowering vines and other flowering plants, some here when I arrived, many others which I planted, and which for several years, flourished here.
Most of them have since died, either from the recent drought, or earlier, in 2021, during a week of unseasonably cold weather, which this area had not seen, until the last three years. I had a large patch of prickly pear cactus, well-developed over many years—based on its size—which died in the winter storm on Valentine’s Day in 2021, which, with no more than three or four inches of snow, immobilized the city, leaving hundreds of thousands without power for days. At least 246 people died—the official toll—some from hypothermia. Others from carbon monoxide poisoning. The actual death toll may have been as high as 700. The economic cost has been estimated to be as high as $300 billion.
I do have sympathy for your difficulties in maintaining a garden. I live in Western Oregon. We have droughts, but none so severe that the rivers stop flowing. I have converted the irrigation system in my garden areas to drip irrigation to use water most efficiently and have planted drought resistant ground cover plants. I have no guidance at all on dealing with the temperature swings. My overall approach to gardening relies heavily on evolution; those plants that cannot take my heavy-handed gardening do not survive.
I understand the pressure applied to Republican politicians. I suspect most of them worry more about their political careers than they worry about their physical safety. There are plenty of examples of Republicans voted out of office for opposing MAGA, but no examples of Republicans being physically injured for that. I have no sympathy for someone who sacrifices their principles to save their political career.
"Moderate" Republican politicians sought leadership positions in government. They have access to security resources that are denied to most of us. Their physical risk is virtually non-existent. Yet they refuse to lead. They may bemoan some Trump statement, but not without immediately following up with a statement that Joe Biden is a "socialist" leading our country to ruin.
The failure of Republican "moderates" to lead according to their principles pushes us closer to an administration that relies on mobs to enforce its wishes. We've already seen it in the harassment of judges and prosecutors trying Trump crimes. A second Trump administration will make that worse. The threats received by Ruby Freeman and Shay Moss will be made to anyone from whom the administration wants acquiescence on some issue.
So, no, I have no sympathy for the terrified Republican politicians who have to go back to work after the J6 uprising. They are part of the problem, not victims.
Touching and Beautiful. Well, said.
Putin killing Navalny will only make his message and us stronger! Thank you Reed!
Mary, I LOVE YOU. Thank you ✨🙏💫
Jon, I LOVE YOU. Would you have asked Jeff Gillooly to push FDR out of his wheelchair? 🦼🐇💫