Normally I write extensive narrative for other sites, (poor Rick) but not yours. Here goes. I read two things from the 48 hours after the debate: Biden campaign donations were $33M--50% from new donors. 3X the number of new campaign volunteers applied to help. People see the need and are stepping up. I hope others will too. Much work ahead and many hands are needed.

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Fantastic analysis and advice. I so admire the astuteness and steadfastness of the Lincoln project that I have increased my donations to them.

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After SCOTUS today, Biden and the Dems need to get their hands dirty and break some eggs. Use the newfound power in their hands to tilt the table against MAGA - and that includes "official acts."

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This is the kind of analysis I expected from the Bulwark and other pro-democracy forces. Pulls no punches, tells it like it is and placed the blame where it belongs. Well done, Reed.

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Amen, Reed. Thank you for talking sense when hardly anyone else is.

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I appreciate the Lincoln Project so much. You demonstrate that we can have differing views and still be united in our quest to preserve democracy. And yes…send this to the White House! I applaud decency and kindness, but this doesn’t work with tRump and his ilk.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 2

With the Kangaroo Courts decision, President Biden should put Trump in jail as a clear and present danger and unqualified to run for president due to mental illness…

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Trump must resign. Say it.

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Good. Spank'um, Reed!

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M18 claymore. If you turn it vertical you can get more coming down the trail.

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Rings true.👍 Too many of us still think there are rules and that we'll be rewarded for following them. Quaint. There aren't and we won't.🙃

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Time to play offense. SOMEBODY needs to sit down with his campaign manager and staff and read them the riot act. They aren’t doing a good job and if they don’t want to get their hands dirty then it’s time to bring in people who will.

I’m really afraid that the 247 year of America and its grand experiment of self governance is coming to an end.

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Right on Reed!! Send this to the White House.

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Reed, you're a pretty dialed in person.....is there no way LP can just get in their ears a bit on this......I trust you guys way more to give advice.

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I believe exposing the Christian nationalist movement is the best chance for a Democratic win in November. I have had both Democratic and Republican voters express fear they didn’t feel before after reading a brief article about this group.

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At the debate, Biden looked like his makeup was done by a mortician, moved slowly and appeared confused. But Mr. 34 felonies, was revved up and more orange than usual. Weird.

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