Honestly, with as young as Jiggly Dumbshit is, he scares me for what will become the future of politics and the United States. He is VERY good at making his lies seem like truth and has a way to stop from saying an actual answer to real issues.

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Terrific summary \ analysis, and thanks for the link for kübelwagen.

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The lies as smooth as silk ….

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…are still lies

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To your last point, Vance is too self-conscious to step into Trump’s shoes when the time comes. For instance, Trump would never admit to intentionally fabricating events to drive the media train. Cognitive dissonance is the default state of Trump’s brain, Vance is too well educated and cannot completely overthrow his basic subconscious rationality.

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The way you keep saying "really weird," about Vance, its like you got the memo from the Deep State.

There are National Parks and Monuments; then there are the National Forests, which, by the way, are there to be periodically cut down, i.e., "harvested." That is their raison d'etre. But city folks don't know that, just like they don't know how to change oil or mow their own lawn.

Then there is the Bureau of Land Management, or BLM. The BLM has billions of acres of land in places where neoliberals don't want to live, like Idaho, Utah, and rural areas of blue/purple states like Nevada, Texas, really all over the entire West. Vance was not talking about building condos in Yellowstone; furthermore, the elites already have condos just west of Yellowstone in Jackson Hole.

Vance was pointing out there is plenty of public land, not that he wanted to desecrate Mount Rushmore.

How weird?!?

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The Feds would still have to deed the land to developers or private investors. This is ripe for corruption and cost overruns. Those building the houses won’t pay for the entitlements and if the housing is indeed in the middle of nowhere how will you get there? Who’s responsible for services.

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And I can change my oil, my tires and I mow my lawn

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Wow, Reed. In the face of Solyndra and the "bridge to nowhere" you would raise the corruption flag on this? Why should a construction firm and their financial backers pay for the entitlements? How do you get out of bed in the morning with these kinds of attitudes? Life must be cripplingly depressing for someone like you.

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DNC & Lincoln Project supported genocide is the most corrupt and immoral activity and the neoliberals are a**hole deep in it.

Cost overruns? Your DOD is headed by Raytheon board member, Lloyd Austin.

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Uh, Reed...the U.S. Federal Government owns roughly 590 MILLION acres of land that is outside of national parks. Your comment, and the debate comment from the moderators that the U.S government would have to SEIZE it's own land shows a remarkable lack of research, attention to detail, and even understanding of basic civics & geography. Y'all need to open a book or two before you shoot your mouth off.

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Thanks for this summary. On the money as always, Reed.

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Great!! You hit it all. No way couldn’t have said the same

Or better. It was perfect.

It’s done. I’m

Glad. Vote blue and lock him up.

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Can you say used car salesman (with apologies to used car salesmen). Slick and very very dangerous. Smile to your face, tell you slick packaged BS and stab you in the back. And once again Trump plays the refs and whines about being fact checked and gets his way. (And why no questions about PROJECT 2025?????) Someone on PBS tonight said they keep waiting for the Dems (and others) to take the openings they get and deliver a punch that knocks Trump/Vance....on their can. For way too long in his entire life too many have their chance to knock Trump on his can and do not do it. (Rachel Bitecofer in her book "Hit 'Em Where It Hurts" offers a way to do it.)

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Right? No question about Project 2025 but out of the gate, they’re going to ask Walz about some obscure comment he made about Tianiman (sp?) Square??

Im betting he wasn’t expecting that and I’m not sure what the point of it was except to unnerve him. You know Fox was right on that shit though.

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I agree mostly with the analysis of the debate and of Vance. Am worried that it will affect the election. But my biggest personal take away was a feeling I have had for a while. These dates are a terrible disservice to America. It’s one thing when you have an Obama debating a Romney - two decent men with different views. It’s quite another when one of the tickets compose the biggest danger American democracy has faced for 160 years. The moderation didn’t help, the non fact checking was bullS***, but at the end of the day these debates today are worse than worthless.

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Slick and creepy as a snake oil salesman or yes, used cars. Even though Walz is not a great debater, it is so obvious he is a decent kind honest person and Vance is a phony.

But I think the ultimate game plan is to get trump elected through any means; violence, court delays, and crooked Supreme Court rulings. Billionaires run this show (Peter Thiel, Heritage Foundation etc.) and they want trump to win, but then, they want him gone, so Vance can take over. Vance is smarter, lies more convincingly, more devious and more dangerous because of Project 2025. He can do their bidding better than trump and in this game plan is the 25th Amendment or an unexplained heart attack early on after trump is sworn in.

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Thanks for an excellent summary. I actually yelled at the screen when he made the remark about the smooth transition of power. But he does scare me because he lies so deftly, and most people don’t check facts. Shame on CBS for hosting a reality show, rather than a serious debate.

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Hello Everyone,

Vance was so full of crap tonight that it literally came out of his ears. And most Americans who are not completely delusional will be able to see right through his BS.

However I thought that Governor Walz missed a few opportunities to take a wrecking ball to Trump and Vance. He was too wonky and polite for the entire debate.

For VP Harris to win the election, it will be necessary for African Americans and progressives to turn out for her in high numbers. And I don’t think the case was properly made tonight by Tim Walz of the threat that Trump and Vance pose to the rights and freedoms guaranteed to these Americans under the United States Constitution.

VP Harris may be about as high as she can go among the right-of-center swing voters. She has made significant progress with these voters, but she can only go so high. And she will need progressive and African American voters to turn out for her in high numbers to get her over the top in the swing states.

I would try to make Vance’s lies around January 6, abortion, and the Affordable Care Act, particularly January 6, resonate with these potential voters. They may need to fear like something is going to be taken away from them by Trump and Vance if they do not show up and vote for VP Harris. Governor Walz failed to do that tonight.


David Hurwitz

Chicago, IL

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Hi Reed! I kinda like thinking TFG VP wannabe was all slime and no substance…agree about his “ my beautiful wife and 3 beautiful Kidz “ BS! And the VP I want was honest and sincere …talked about lots of MidWestern things …was every bit himself..which I love…and won! He was so. genuine he even took notes. Wished Walz had been more aggressive had called the weirdo out for all his lies more, but then that should have been the job of the moderators , as you wrote. I also think there isn’t really anyone who doesn’t know who to vote for, unless they are brain dead! The election will revolve around getting more and more people out to vote for the Dems… BTW where in the world are the Bushes and Mitt Romney???? xxG

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What a load of garbage. You appear to suffer from a sever case of TDS. You should get him. Talk about an extreme reaction to a debate that YOU have done nothing but lie about.

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