Thank you Reed. I have put a small US flag in my garden for the holidays the past 8 years, instead of my large one that I used to fly from its holder on the garage. Like others, I’m nervous that people will think I’m supporting MAGA. It’s weird to feel so embarrassed to fly our own country’s flag. However, I do.

The psychological damage Trump, Trumpism, Putin, Bannon, Christian Nationalists, etc have done to ALL of us, cannot be underestimated. The feelings are real and deep. It’s as if our country has been kidnapped. In essence, the Big Lie “Stop the Steal” is the biggest form of projection and gaslighting.

MAGA has tried to steal the country from the rest of us

Thank you again for writing this.

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Timothy Snyder, Ruth Ben-Ghiat, Masha Gessen, Anne Applebaum and others have written about the psychological warfare involved in appropriation, projection, and gaslighting. Flying our flag is an artifact demonstrating, sadly, how effective MAGA has been at destroying our institutions and destroying our common culture.

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I live in a Republican stronghold in Florida and from what I’ve seen, people flying Trump flags rarely fly the American flag. Their allegiance is to the man, not the country.

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Last week I took down my house flag (a cardinal, to celebrate spring) and replaced it with the US flag, just in time for Memorial Day. On June 1st, I’ll switch that out for my trans flag to celebrate Pride Month. I think my neighbors know I’m a proud American, but not a Republican!

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I agree with your method! I fly both at the same time- the American flag on the front of my house, and my Pride Ally flag on my second story deck at the side. It’s still visible from the street but less accessible to thieves or vandals.

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I guess I could put up another flagpole so the US flag was always flying. I’ll have to think about that!

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Yes! It makes your position really clear - you’re a patriot AND a good person.

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Mine flies every single day. Never take it down. They will never take it away.

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Amen. It’s not their flag, at least not exclusively. I think it may mess with some folks, since I have some equality lawn signs also.

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Being a patriot is hard work:

You care about your fellow citizens and do what you can to help those less fortunate than you. Conservatives think altruism is stupid.

You care about the lives of those who will come after us and do what you can to leave the place in better shape than it was when we got here. Conservatives believe that who has the most trinkets when they die wins and fuck everyone else.

You care about the other species with which we share the planet and do what you can to protect them. Conservatives see them as resources to be traded and exploited.

You care about the health of our society and pay tour fair share of taxes knowing you’re contributing to the common good. Conservatives like it when the government gives them free shit and complain when they have to pay for anything.

You care about a leveled playing field in a democratic arena where everyone has the same rights and the same voice. Conservatives want the caste system to expand and ensure they remain at the top of the pyramid forever.

I could go on but I think y’all get where I’m going with this. So, yes, it’s our flag. It’s our country.

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Well said. It's our country too which the Conservatives seem to have forgotten. Thanks.

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Reed, on this Memorial Day I was remembering your Podcast from early June 2023. You called for us to "take back the flag" by flying a flag in our yard; taking a photo of the flag flying in our yard; and briefly writing what the flag meant to us; then posting it on Lincoln Project Twitter (X). (I am not clear about the 'posting', but it was to be sent or posted.) I was so inspired I wrote a piece concerning the flag from my school days of long ago and since I had no clue about posting, I sent it around to friends and family. My flag flew all winter until was it covered in ice. Out of respect--I took it down. It is now up and flying again. It looks nice flapping in the wind. So, thanks again for reminding me and all of us to keep those flags flying. If any are worried that your neighbors will think you are a MAGA--accompany the flag with a sign for Biden or create a sign that says it's our flag too. Also, think, then write about what the flag means to you. It was a good idea then. It is good idea now.

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Great idea!

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Bravo, Reed!

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Amazon is selling No Quarter flags - several designs.

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Spot on

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I hang my American flag from a post and hang my BLACK LIVES MATTER banner also, so as to avoid any confusion.

It's our flag.

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E Pluribus Unum

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Love the retro vibe of the header illustration

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Damn straight

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