This country needs LOTS of Martin Luthers at this moment. Sadly, we have very, very few, even with the most obvious and sick and evil threat in our history waiting on November 5 with an R after his name.

Even more depressing, my evangelical Christian brethren are dug in more for Trump than just about anyone. It is breath taking, mind numbing and soul crushing. We have literally sold our souls and for what???? Abortion bans, but with all the chaos and cruelty and even death that have ensued? For more cruel and heartless judges who will turn down a death penalty appeal for a clearly innocent man? See the Supreme Court yesterday. For governors who will pardon the gun toting rich folks in Missouri, but let that same innocent man die and refuse to pardon him? We are sick right now folks. Our country is seriously mentally ill and even more, morally bankrupt. Christians, we have gained what we think is the whole world, but have lost our own souls. See Mark 8:36. I wlll NEVER understand this, never. As Luther said, God help us. We surely need it.

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I do not and probably will not ever understand how one man can wreak so much damage.

But I guess if you look back in history there have always been men who thought they could sway formerly rational people to his movement. Savonarola in the Renaissance pretty much destroyed Florence. He was later deemed a heretic. Hopefully trump will be found guilty of his crimes, especially Jan 6 and suffer a similar fate.

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They wanted to be swayed. The propaganda & lies didn’t start with trump.

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The old Republican party also supported free markets and competition. The GOP now is promising tariffs and business subsidies.

Forget integrity. The bar is now set so low Robinson is acceptable.

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Reed, I think you did well not to throttle that nasty little sh*t. “I helped kill the GOP” is not the flex he thinks it is.

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I wonder whether Harris would be better served by connecting the dots for people.

Closing the border and tariffs appeal to low information voters, but many people don't understand the incalculable damage to the economy of blocking legal immigration and taxing the working/middle class via tariffs.

People also seem not to understand the devastating impacts to Social Security and Medicare if illegal immigrants are deported, since they pay into these programs (whilenot receivingtheir benefits)..

Most Trump supporters won't care, but there is a sliver that never sees these dots connected.

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You said it yourself. They’re low information voters. They listen to their neighbor or their preacher or their media bubble.

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Thanks for all you do for the greater good of this nation. I do miss the now-defunct Republican Party. We disagreed at times, but it felt sane, and it had the ability to engage in healthy dialogue. This is a zero sum game. If trump wins, all but loyalists will be annihilated. Should it be this hard to understand the threat?

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Well said Reed. I hope Mitt Romney will come out and endorse Harris and not play "safe" on the sidelines.

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Thank You Reed. I'm posting more on it at the Freakshow today.

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Their party symbol should be a mastodon.

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Reed, where in Raleigh are you going to be?

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Can’t read the New Yorker article on Opus Dei without signing up for a “trial” subscription.

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Annette, I know your perspective.

I signed up for $1.00 ($4.00 p/mo) as a trial. Wanted to read the article.

I was able to print it and download and save to my read folder.

Can cancel subscription at any time.

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It’s not in the New Yorker magazine. It’s in The New York magazine.

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16 hrs ago·edited 16 hrs ago

Hopefully it will show up in a print edition and then I can read it at my library 🤞

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Oh ok y’all were just liberals all along lmao clown world

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