A few recommendations to the Biden campaign regarding the debate. Be the calm adult. Tell the truth and don’t get pulled into Donald’s emotional rants and rage. Joe Biden is the President of the United States! And the Leader of the Free World. He has the power.

Defuse Donald. Observe that he is a superb Showman, a Storyteller with compelling stories about showers and toilets and washing machines and sharks and electric boats and fighting viruses and weather forecasting. These are all Entertaining stories. His stories about election fraud and dead people and migrants voting against him are fascinating. But they are all FICTIONAL stories. None of them make any sense. In the REAL world.

Diffuse Donald. Donald can't focus on real issues. He is scatterbrained. Solving problems like the borders and foreign affairs and government spending and tariffs and taxes are complex. They require someone who can focus on a problem and bring the smartest people in to solve it. Consensus and compromise, not fighting, gets the job done.

Womanizer Donald. Donald is obsessed with sex and abusing women. He's a sexual pervert. He was a friend and client of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislane Maxwell. Who arranged for old men to have sex with underage girls. Dozens of women have complained about Donald's abuse. He is a Rapist. A Rapist cannot be President. Call this out and don't let go of it.

Ignorant Donald. Donald knows very little about our American History. He thinks that aligning with dictators who oppress their people is a good idea. America is founded on self-rule. Putin and Kim Jong Un are deathly afraid of Democracy. So they squash it. We cannot vote for a man who wants America to be like Russia or North Korea.

Fantasy Donald. He is in the habit of telling lies for his own benefit so much that he's lost connection with reality. His criminal indictments and convictions are the result of his own actions. No one forced him to break laws. He did all of this to himself.

Out of Touch Donald. He appeals to the worst in our citizens. We must bring back honor and virtue, doing the right things, not the wrong things. Treat each other with respect and manners and courtesy. Donald is Out of Touch with the way Americans actually interact with each other.

Disqualified Donald. When Donald conspired to steal the Executive Branch of the Government, by fooling thousands of citizens to storm the Capitol and attack police, he disqualified himself from ever serving in public office in this land. His allies in the Congress climbed on his back to gain power for themselves, without acknowledging that Donald was self-disqualified. This is their career failure and a disgrace to their sacred honor. American voters know he's disqualified. Even the MAGAs know it.

Bad Faith Donald. Notice when Donald tells his stories that he mixes truth and lies. A little bit of truth and a lot of lies. Foundational lies. This is called Bad Faith. It is called Deception. Each word and lie is designed to fool you into thinking his story is true. When it is based on one or more lies. Putin uses the same tricks with his anti American propaganda. Don't fall for it! Call out the Bad Faith!

Unqualified Donald. Donald is a TV star. He is not a politician or a government leader. He can't manage people. He couldn’t even manage a small real estate company without screwing it up. 40 of his 44 cabinet officials, his own appointees, saw up close how unqualified he is for public office. Especially the Presidency! Donald is an Entertainer who is portraying a politician. He can't do this job!

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Reed, you’ve written the clearest, most concise explanation of what the debate will be (not should be). Think I’ll join the Union Watch Party on Thursday.

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Thanks, Reed. As always you are on the money. Particularly concerning the "howler monkey" and President Biden's, simple answer: "Really? You want four years of this?" I hope this happens often

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Quite honestly, I can think of nothing I’d like more than to see Biden look directly into the camera and utter, “Really? You want 4 more years of this asshole?” That would send the MAGA folks scurrying through the White House looking for white powder…or whatever they believe Biden is taking, simply because they’ve never paid enough attention to him to notice that he is a tough politician with decades of effective leadership experience.

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“Joe Biden goaded Donald Trump into this debate…The time, place, and surroundings of the debate favor Biden… Knowing that Trump is too hot-headed and impulsive to resist an open challenge…This is an enormous opportunity…President Joe Biden has been a man who has met his moments: With Covid, the invasion of Ukraine, bi-partisan legislative wins, and the “big speeches” Republicans and the media believed he wasn’t ready for. He has, time and again, showed up.

I don’t expect Thursday to be different.”

Well…not only is that not aging well but it’s a massive shot to your credibility.

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