I’m hoping to find my new normal. This has been exhausting. Soul crushing. And that picture of him sitting like a petulant child in time out is the reason for most of it. I so very much want to not hear of him, see him, have news of him anymore. Go back to not knowing every utterance of my president because I trust that he’s taking care of things, like we voted for him to do. Soon maybe.

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Thank you for summing it up so eloquently. We are all mentally exhausted. I suspect this is his game plan; hoping the sane ones among us will shrivel up and retreat to a perpetual state of oblivion. We cannot do that, but we must find ways to inspire and energize each other. There is tentative hope.

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A good piece to end the day on. Thanks for the recommendations and the links, too. Things are looking up!

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Yes, Trump's attorneys want to make him seem normal, just a father, husband, like you and me. What a bold face lie to tell to smart jurors.

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A normal spring day spreading mulch sounded great. My husband has been building birdboxes as well as refurbishing the old ones for the spring migration has started. Tree swallows have arrived. Soon the wrens. And there is always hope a bluebird will take up residence. This touch of normal saves one's sanity. Now to politics: Your seven points, A President Is..., are talking points we all can use. Good article. By-the-way, I loved the adverbs. 😊

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Thank goodness for this normal!

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Excellent post Reed!

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Love this!!!

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