wonderful post, thank you Reed...hearing from the country, where democracy is actually happening unfiltered by the soot of cable and social media, is bracing.

I'm in Asheville, we're very fortunate, got power restored Friday but not even an estimate on getting running water bc the systems not only devastated but weren't accessible bc roads to them had washed away, so they had to actually rebuild roads just to get to the equipment...they can only tell us "weeks," but no qualifiers, so we don't know if that'll mean three weeks or 20, and lemme tell you, not being able to get a shower, do laundry, or flush a toilet is just not sustainable.

def worried about how we're all going to get to vote. checked our registrations again, and our polling place is still here, but so many in rural areas have lost their homes, their polling places, or both. absentee ballots finally went out after being reprinted to remove RFKJr, which cost us weeks, damn it, but many places currently have no USPS service, period, so can't receive or return ballots.

but we'll vote 10/17, first day of early voting, and get our votes banked.

thank you for reporting from the road, it sounds wonderful.

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I’m in Charlotte. I know people are working hard to make sure everyone can vote.

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Take care LG, And with all that's going on in your part of the world right now, THANK YOU so much for taking the time to post here. And a HUGE thank you for being someone so committed to our Democracy as to be worried about getting out the vote. That to me is commitment. Sending you some hope. People around the country DO care what happens to our citizens in other states, no matter what is claimed by the MSM. My Family & I were in the Campfire, my Parents lost everything. Trump against the wishes of the community had to do a photo op which kept FEMA & other services from helping everyone. That said, the well wishes from around the country let us know that we mattered to them. made a horrible situation a tiny bit better. With my hopes that this post gives you that same feeling. You are in good hands with Biden/Harris/FEMA.

All our best for a good recovery.

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♥️ Grand Rapids and Detroit! I’m in Ottawa Co. just next to GR and we’ve been through our own lil project 2025 with the commissioners. However, most were primaried out I August. 💙🇺🇸💙 Go blue!

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Reed, so glad you're in my home state, doing the hard work of getting votes. Thanks so much! We need to keep Michigan blue!

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This was a wonderful message. Spiritual energy needs as much care as physical and mental energy. We often forget that. Thanks for sharing. You talk the talk and walk the walk. May we all do the same. Take care.

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Thanks Reed for your incredible work.

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Always good to get reports from the front lines that the forces of truth and Justice are dug in for a trench battle.

Also, I took in some of the pod but couldn’t find how to rate it. But I’ll keep trying!

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SWEET! Loved this. Next time you're in MI let's have coffee.

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I’m sorry I missed you today in Grand Rapids because of a prior commitment. But thank you, Reed, for being here, and for all you are doing! (I know Kim’s last name, if you need the blank filled in.)

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Thank you for such an inspiring post.

The work you are doing is so meaningful, and pursued with such integrity and respect.

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