Spot on! I wake up every day more depressed, but also more defiant. I know that sounds contradictory, but it is not. When I went through a 4-year incredibly painful and debilitating illness, I became very depressed at my physical inabilities and dependence on others, but I was not defeated. My fighting spirit fought against my depression. I became wiser; welcomed my dependence on others to share their strength and knowledge, and assistance; recognized my own strength; and became inspired by those who overcame the disease I had. I'm in this fight to save our democracy with people I admire, learn from, and support. Appreciate the practical strategies about how to face and conquer this challenge. Thanks for the Stockdale Paradox quote. I've used that frequently in my teachings on leadership and ethics.

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Not to be that guy, but my alarm bells went off as soon as trump’s poll numbers started going up in 2015. I knew we were in trouble and told people there will be no reasoning with trump and maga because I studied fascism extensively in high school and college. Of course I was ridiculed and called hysterical by plenty of idiots (many of whom would make the same accusation today). The outcome doesn’t matter anymore, only the fight. And like AOC, I will fight until we win or I’m in the ground.

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They’re should be their in the context you used it. You were probably dictating but thought you should know. Thank you for your content.

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Totally agree. Need to start with reality and step up to the zero sum game we are being forced to play.

It is time for an etcha sketch, wiping the slate clean on how we approach this moment.

The batman villains have infiltrated the halls of power in DC. and as clownish as they are, they are really dangerous. We need to be serious and strong. We need to keep our heads.

We can and must “get smart”…remembering these villains are led by an imbecile. We cannot let them psych us out.

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Rule 1: republicans remain extinct killed off by maga moronic MOFOs lead by the beta FFOTUS and his dipshit band.

Rule 2: “We the people…” own all these MOFOs so act like it.

Rule 3: educate yourself and fully embrace the power of fiat currency then refer back to Rule 2!

Let’s f’n do this! Concede and fear nothing

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I love the idea of the Governors and attorney generals of the Blue States getting together and forming their own organization of anti Trump states to fight back! Can they withhold money owed to the federal government ( taxes )? Most of the money comes from California and then maybe NY…but there are other Blue states…and maybe Purple ones to that would join? if they all agree to do it I think it would have an BIG impact. Can they form a legal political organization? it’s beginning to should like the civil war without guns…at least at this moment but I like it!!!

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I wondered why the Dems when they went to the Education Department door didn't move around the guy or shove him out to the way and go end. He didn't have any authority according to what I am hearing. Seems they needed to push more.

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There haven’t been any rules for 10 years now. We know our reality. The only fix is the one that happens when he crashes the economy, because he will.

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I get it, don't like it, but I got it anyway. I'm just having a tough time with New Rules, when you're up against No Rules, Rule. Good read today,Reed, keep em' Coming and will reStack ASAP 💯👍🇺🇸

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Damn, doesn’t get exhausting banging the same drum every friggon day?

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First rule of communication: Tell them, tell them what you told them, tell you what you told them again.

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Ok. Absolutely no idea what that means, but ok.

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