REED…I watched Biden’s speech this morning and was greatly moved and proud of our President. His emotional and intelligent speech was appropriate and delivered beautifully. The remembrance of what happened in Normandy 80 years ago stands out starkly as a reminder of what is so much at stake in our own country today as well as in Ukraine. Also loved seeing Zelensky present for the ceremony. BTW your piece was exceptional…

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Great post. I would add that we in the West should also proactively do a better job of acknowledging Russia’s role in defeating the Nazis. The war would not have been won without the combined might of both the West and Russia.

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For a deeper understanding of the Soviet side of WWII (and all that led up to the war) read Prof. Tim Snyder’s “Bloodlands.” Be warned, though, this book is not for the faint of heart. Over 14 million people died, most of them deliberately murdered by Germany or by the Soviet Union.

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I'd recommend anything written by Historian Tim Snyder.

His comment (in "On Tyranny") that "any election could be the last" should echo through every American mind and heart.

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Thanks. A bit more cleared eyed about the Soviet's and WWII.

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Terrific, inspiring post; democracy's defenders should make Ike's message our own as we take on--and defeat--freedom's enemies at home and around the world.

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So moving Reed. Another D'Day is coming, this time it's at the ballot box. I hope and pray we are up to the task like those who came before us 80 years ago.

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I agree that the consequences of November election may indeed be another D-Day.

Democracy versus Tyranny is (or should be) the ballot issue.

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We must remember their sacrifices and preserve the freedom they gave us.

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more than remember, Paul. Americans need to make the small sacrifice of getting to the ballot box to defeat Donald Trump and his anti-democracy followers.

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Yes, Everything you said.

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Beautiful soul wrenching and heart wrenching message. Your words took be to that sacred space where so many gave their all for freedom. As you said, "80 years ago the best of us saved the world."

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My wife and I went to the Normandy beaches while on trip to France in October of 2022. It was an incredibly powerful, emotional experience.

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A truly heroic story, beautifully told.

And I'm deeply troubled by the contrast with the disgraceful words and behaviors of Donald (Bon-Spurs) Trump.

For anyone interested, I've motivated by the D-Day commemorations to write a short piece on this Republican Disgrace.


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