I'm guessing Alito is A-OK with Project 2025 being implemented after he & the other Justices do their best to help Trump win. No integrity, no ethics, no shame. Just an arrogant, MAGA Justice flying political flags and blatantly ruling on cases he has a vested interest in.

"Flags and other 'things my wife is responsible for' (wink wink)" 🤦‍♂️

How many “Stop the Steal” flags does Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito need to fly over one of his multiple homes before it’s a problem?

Hey Samuel: Next time try with this flag 👇


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I consider what Reed wrote here as seminal and part of my “Bible”, but it’s way incomplete. Let’s keep adding to it.

For part of my offering tonight, I’m starting with part of what the hateful Steven Miller—a traitor-like [former Jew?] denounced by his own Uncle a few years ago said that gave away the game.

I’ll research what led up to the full quote from Miller and add to my comment, but several years ago—for sure before March 2019 as a fact—Miller said something or other in relation to something Trump had said or done. The “something or other” is neither here nor there right now and is what I’ll look up, but what followed by Miller was / is still chilling:

After saying “whatever” Miller added, “And he shall not be questioned” as if Trump already been coronated King or chosen or self-appointed as “Dictator”.

I turned to my husband and said, “We and this country are in big trouble. This little shit is coming across as a true believer and he’s even sounding like a guy from Hitler’s inner circle or even a propaganda guy.”

Reed Galan could not be more right and all who don’t want this country turning more and more into “Germany 1933” MUST step up our game and go after the independents, young black and Hispanic men, Nicki Haley’s and RFK, Jr’s voters and convince them to vote and to vote only Biden and Blue .

Failing that, I worry that this Country’s “Grand democratic Experiment” and our Constitution don’t stand a chance. Trump’s rabid and at least misguided, if not-evil “base” will be making sure that they vote. (They view a twice impeached and convicted Trump as a MAGA“ feature” and not a “bug”.

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Really appreciate your posts, thank you.

And thank you for sharing this distillation of Project 2025, the clearest I've read/heard yet:

“Project 2025, at its core, is about destroying the parts of government that protect Americans and empowering the parts of government that will control Americans.”

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Premeditated Treason is the words you are looking for. 

This is my legal theory of why treason counts despite the fact no war has been declared.

The argument is based in the English language and examines the word Or as it Is used in and applies to United States treason law. 

First let's look at the words contained within the law.

By the way, stop telling yourself that only lawyers can understand the law cuz it's so complicated. That is complete and total hogwash. Lawyers twist the law and the English language in order to get dubious results for their criminal clients. 

At some point in the past a judge or a lawyer decided to ignore the word Or, completely in the law and then color the entire code with the requirement that war must be ongoing and declared in order for treason to be committed. 

That is not what the law says. 

§2381. Treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(2)(J), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)

Levy's war against them Or.

The word Or cuts the sentence into  two separate and distinct different parts. One has nothing to do with the other because they are separate ideas. 

This isn't hard or mysterious to understand It's the English language.

So if we look at the words it makes it clear that these are two separate ideas in one law but one does not color the other as previously proclaimed. 

Therefore treason can be committed during a time of no war and the statute needs to be enforced immediately. 

There is no, there must be a war to get out of jail free card contained within the above words of the criminal statute 2381 Treason which is a self-contained criminal code And has clearly been broken by 147 Republicans who voted to overthrow a legal election. 

That vote was treason because they were part of the overall criminal fraudulent conspiracy to over throw the government with the big lie and their vote by extension was an overt effort to support the violence and the big like conspiracy,continued effort in that criminal treasonous insurrectionist activity. this was a well-planned and executed about as good as the Republican large asses can do. 

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Reed, whew! this hit the nail on the head. Thanks. Also, confused with the Lincoln Podcast. Missed you. The new format surprised me. Hope all is well with you.

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

Reed. as always, you give me greater insight into what the MAGA republican's are up to and the threat they are to our democracy. As a follower of you here, TLP, and Resolute Square, I feel pretty well informed. That is until one of you write another post or column, then I'm made more aware there's so much more to know and understand. You mentioned the R's have been at this for 40 or more years. I was vaguely aware of some of that. But, I've been made so much more aware due to the likes of you and Heather Cox Richardson (who give an historical perspective).

All of this frightens me, as it should. But reading your writings gives me ideas of how I can help and in that I get hope. I belong to a current events group where we (all senior citizens) talk about the state of our world. Most of us are frightened and worried about TFG returning to the Oval Office and feel helpless about it. Some of us try to reassure the others that there's hope. We share articles that describe what is happening and what we can and need to do. Each week it seems we need to reiterate those things to reduce the anxiety being expressed. I'm not sure it's a bad thing that many people are anxious and worried about the next election. I'm hoping it's motivation for them to act in support of our country. But my biggest fear is they get overwhelmed by the chaos of the MAGAs and become apathetic and sit out this election. I feel it too, but your and others articles are my support, it helps to keep me from falling into the trap of hopelessness and apathy. Please thank all of your cohorts at Resolute Square and The Lincoln Project for their hard work and the effort to keep all of us motivated to do the hard thing of staying involved in the fight for our democracy.

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Thanks, Reed. I was surprised not to hear your dulcet tones on The Lincoln Project podcast this week.

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Thank you Reed! Sharing this far and wide!

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Thanks Reed. For giving me nightmares tonight!

It really is happening, isn’t it? I do think they aren’t sneaking up on us this time. Will we respond? We will fight back? I think so. And actually I’ll sleep ok, because I like the team’s chances with players like you.

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Unfortunately, I disagree that we'll fight back.

Abortion rights are gone, IVF and contraception are openly under attack, voting rights are being decimated every day, SCOTUS is issuing decisions by fiat (dictated by a strangled version of Christianity), Hispanic citizens have a target on their backs, Blacks are watching rights paid for in blood be stripped away, courts in red states, the 5th Circuit and the 11th Circuit are only hostile to the Constitution, corporations are throwing. millions at Republicans so they can sell contaminated food, water, and drugs without recalls or safety inspections.

The FBI stands by as militia groups explode across the country, Garland's appeasement of MAGA by slow-walking prosecutions and refusing to even investigate Congresspeople who openly participated in 1/6 has predictably imploded.Senate Democrats on the Judiciary Committee running out the clock has predictably led to Justices reveling in being above the law. The Biden campaign's inexplicable refusal to outline any plans for a 2nd term has enhanced apathy.

Fear of a 2nd Trump term might eke out a Biden win, but there are no protests, no widespread strikes, no boycotts.

Legacy media's reporting is akin to Russian state outlets, whitewashing Trump's incoherent, rambling monologues, and laser-focused on Biden's slightest hesitations.

Voters might focus enough to save themselves from Trump 2.0, but then what?

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Join a voter organization or start one.

Register voters, phone voters, knock on doors.

Giving up is giving in.

I collected petitions for abortion rights in Ohio and now for anti gerrymandering petitions.

Abortion rights passed and so will the gerrymandering.

Get off the sidelines and get the message out. Republicans cannot be trusted and are doing everything possible to destroy our democracy.

To shove their religious beliefs down our throats.

Vote out every republican.

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Reed, along with Stuart Stevens, Rick Wilson, Joe Trippi, and others I can't recall names of started Resolute Square which organizes local areas in the fight to get out voters, distribute information to those voters and a whole lot more. Look it up to get more ideas of what we can do to join the fight for democracy.

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I am currently working with Fieldteam6.org. They work to register voters.

In any case, fight on!

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Join The Union---they are the organizers I believe for organizing on the ground. They have good information. Or simply join with like-minded friends and canvass your family, friends and neighbors as best you can.

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Hate to have to like this but it is the truth. The current administration had 4 solid years to get something done on the things listed above. The only thing that was done against Trump was for him to be convicted on the weakest of the 4 indictments he has been charged with.

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I’m going to keep believing that we shall overcome. I appreciate your reasoning but I want to think we are just getting into the ring.

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