I hear your sadness, Reed Galen, but also your determination. Bless you!

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In my most recent Substack essay I highlighted the views that some non-Democrats shared at the Democratic National Convention. Indulge me as I share about this here.

People of decency and sense – people like you, Reed! – agree with Adam Kinzinger “that we have to defend truth, defend democracy and decency” and that “any policy disagreements one may have with the Democratic nominee “pale in comparison with those fundamental matters of principle, of decency, and of fidelity to this nation.”

They nod along with Stephanie Grisham when she explains that she supports the Democratic ticket “because I love America more than my party.”

They understand Olivia Troye being “proud to support Kamala Harris not because we agree on every issue but because we agree on the most important issue” and that in voting for Harris, “You aren't betraying our party. You’re standing up for our country.”

They look askance at people they know who thus far have failed to recognize, as Geoff Duncan put it, that “If Republicans are being intellectually honest with ourselves, our party is not civil or conservative” and “If you vote for Kamala Harris in 2024, you are not a Democrat. You are a patriot.”

And they are right there with Oprah, who observed that “more than anything…decency and respect are on the ballot in 2024. And just plain common sense.”

Decency and sense together are the north star of “this sometimes awkward alliance.”

Read fuller excerpts and navigate to the video of each of these convention speakers via the essay at the link below.


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My first read, Reed, thank you for this indictment of self-servitude, egotism and pity "i did what i could"-ism. And by the way, where are Liz Cheney, Chris Christie and Mitt Romney????

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You can’t see who some people truly are until they are put to the test, and Trump has put the Republican Party through the wringer. I do believe that people should be held to account for their actions, but also that they need a way back, a way out, a path to redemption. The hard-core MAGAs are probably lost, but hopefully there are some around the edges who may still come to their senses.

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I don’t believe there is a path back for any of them. Not just the hardcore MAGA. Anyone who worked for, campaigned for or simply voted for Cadet Bone Spurs and/or is considering doing the same on 2024 has sold their soul to the devil. They have become evil at their core. There is absolutely no path to redemption for any of them. I have no sympathy for them and look forward to them burning in hell with their Dear Leader.

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As someone with family members who voted for him, and may vote for him again (I’m honestly not sure, haven’t mentioned politics since the 2020 election), I have to believe in redemption. I decided a while back that Trump wasn’t going to destroy my family connections, and I’m still clinging to that.

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Agree 1000%

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I don’t know Mary & Leigh. If they’re still going to vote for him after ALL of what’s happened and heaven forbid what might still happen….😞

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Well said!

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Honestly sounds like a coward to me. Cant denounce him ,cant see that he is a threat to the country we hold dear. Reed be happy in knowing that you did something you didn't sit back and allow psychopathy to win.

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This article should be spread around, thank you

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This is a brilliant and insightful article. I hope all who read it will share it.

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Friends, colleagues, family... its so surprising to me how many supported him and still do. My parents. There are days I am so angry about it I want to scream. Instead I write postcards to swing voters, donate, write an op-ed or two and pray that we defeat him in November. Thank you for all you are doing to save our democracy.

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I needed this tonight. I have had a heavy heart all day that my only remaining sibling is still all in for MAGA. Worse, he’s an ex Green Beret and I can’t imagine any member of the military voting for Drumpf. I tested the waters to sending him a piece by Rebecca Solnit.

It didn’t end well.

Thank you for this writing. Timing is everything.

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I am lucky to have four siblings. Because one of them (a special police Air Force Veteran) is all in with the cult. We were out of contact until our mother passed away. We let him back in our lives at our own peril. I was the one who made the “mistake” of calling January 6 an insurrection. This resulted in a fair number of death threats on social media, email and text messages. I kept copies and blocked him everywhere. Except, I couldn’t block him from knowing my street address. The MAGA moron was stupid enough to write me a death threat and mail it. That’s a federal crime. In addition, I married a Swede and live in Sweden now. So the Swedish postal service handled it as well. So it was a crime here too. He’s on probation in the US for this but has been charged with a swatting incident this past spring.🤦‍♀️ I’m sorry for you. I don’t believe that our relatives and friends who took that turn have a path to redemption. They have crossed a line that can never be reversed. I have no intention of forgetting or forgiving my brother or anyone who could say the love me, they love my kids, they love my trans niece AND YET can with utter conviction support this monster while insisting they are not bigots. Nope! They can all go to hell!

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Reed I feel your pain in my soul. Your words are sincere and heartfelt. I hope whoever this is written about sees it and at minimum takes pause. Letting go of old friends is hard. I wish you peace. Keep up the good fight but always remember to take care of you. ❤️🤍💙🇺🇸

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Travesty becomes tragedy when they refuse to see. A Trump win will further destroy. They know that and they work toward it anyway. Do they sleep at night? That’s hardly punishment, considering the lives they’re helping ruin.

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Well, the Boomer Generation has shown us that we can no longer say this old adage rings true … Wisdom does not necessarily come with age!

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Well written. Lyrical even.

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Aug 26·edited Aug 26

It feels that whether it was ambition, cowardice or some mix of the two that led these people into MAGA world, the common denominator for all is that once there, the justifiable condemnation and criticism they've received has flamed their hatred of non-MAGA's and hardened their defense of the indefensible. They KNOW what they are and so they hate the people holding up the mirror instead of looking into it.

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What would a day be without at least one juicy rationalization to ponder.

The underlying theme in your beautiful essay is sadness. Friendships strained or lost entirely, the unwillingness to see and accept what is in front of them and a total disregard for the very things they were supposed to protect.

I don’t think we as a country will rid ourselves from MAGA, they’re too dug in. While we should never right people off, I don’t see it happening. Unless of course we as Americans use the only power we have and vote them out.

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