Last weekend during a rally in Georgia, Donald Trump ridiculed President Joe Biden for having a stutter. It enraged me. Given all the time I spend studying Trump and trying to defeat him, his depravity struck a nerve. Enough is enough with Trump and those around him.
Come November, who will you stand with? Will you stand with decency, competence, and America and reelect Joe Biden? Or will you stand with the forces of ugliness, amorality, and everything antithetical to American values? Check out my thoughts on the latest episode of The Lincoln Project Podcast.
You can listen to the full episode here:
I am reposting this comment because it seems pertinent to this article.
I’m tired of hearing how we have to “understand” these MAGA’s.
They are cruel, despicable, selfish racists. Have they no one in the armed services? Have they no one who’s disabled, no minority or gay friends?
Do they not know anyone who stutters?
Apparently not.
Cheering on a man who mocks and belittles those less fortunate? Bully those who did not choose their impairments?
What kind of person does that? Cheers for that???
I, for one, am done trying to understand them. I want nothing more to do with them. My only hope is that they go the way of the dinosaurs sooner rather than later.
Leadership at its best. I would send this to Cult 45 members I am acquainted with, but, you know what? Their responses would be, “Come on, it’s politics, and each side does stuff like this.” Bullshit!