I felt hopeful after reading this. Thank you.

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Thanks Hope Is Nice BUT....The whole Trump 2024 Campaign IS “Insurrection 2.0”. The Banana Republican party is not rationally expecting to get more electoral college votes. This time they intend to forcibly get a favorable electoral count by ANY means possible.

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Great ad! I agree with Tim that we must be prepared for more than defeat at the ballot box. That will not be enough to keep him and his bloodthirsty zombies from grabbing their guns and attempting a takeover. None of us has any idea how many members of police departments nationwide and our members of our military are MAGA people. I feel that 2024 and 2025 are going to be catastrophic for our constitutional republic no matter what happens with the election.

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Many thanks to you and Rick and LP for this awesome ad: God Made A Dictator. So very on the mark.

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Iowa sits due south of MINNESOTA, not Wisconsin. I'm reading Tim Alberta's book on Evangelicals and Trump, and how they got to this point. They are NOT following Jesus or his teachings, but instead are worshiping Right Wing ideology and Trump. Many of them do not attend church. All the pundits need to start making that clear, and come up with a more accurate name when talking about these people.

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I thought the same thing.... but, I think the point was that Iowa is more Red than Wisconsin now. Not actually a geographic location.

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great piece, Reed, really interesting analysis. if abortion does him and the monstrosity he's made of the GOP in, it will be [chef's kiss]. just weeks ago Trump was saying negotiating an abortion deal that would make everyone happy would be easy now that *he* had killed Roe...just a matter of figuring out the ideal number of weeks. he doesn't seem to be saying that anymore.

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Another good title. Either Mary Pippins is coming, or going. The wind is changing ☂️

I would really like to put a print version of this ad in the local paper. Thank you 🙏⚖️💙✨🇺🇸💫

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Trump knows the difference between the Bible and a Big Mac. The Big Mac is for eating. The Bible is for tearing out pages to wipe his mouth.

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On Monday night I was depressed hearing that Orange man won but after reading this I feel a bit better. Thanks for all you do Reed!

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Iowa and New Hampshire are irrelevant because they do not represent the demographics of the other states. Trump is not smart enough--and will not tolerate people who are--to see the changes he needs to make. All he knows is the adoration his low-information, red meat-eating white supremacist, nationalist base throws his way. He cannot see beyond it and, as I just said, will not tolerate anyone who disagrees with him.

He is, indeed, a failure, with only one strength: the ability to use the legal system to his sole benefit. He burns through lawyers like most of us go through white bread.

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The Lincoln Project really does hammer home the point very clearly.

For the people who say, “but, I like his policies”, how many of his stated policies in 2024 are anti-democratic and unconstitutional?

Those who fear socialism coming from the left, are reading for authoritarianism from within their own ranks. That’s a horrible trade.

What happens when the certainty that you’re on the “good side” proves wrong, but it is too late to reverse the damage?

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What can I say that improves upon all the great points you made concerning Iowa and Trump's "Beginning and End?" Nothing. So, I, too, will digress and say, "Your opening paragraph was nice. Yep, there are good, friendly folks in Iowa. Also, I didn't know Blige's song, "Family Affair", so I googled it. Like wow! I can just see you fellows singing with such enthusiasm that your car rocked and rolled its way across Iowa. Fun times, indeed. Thanks for sharing these good memories. "

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Hopefully this really is the beginning of the end for Trump. The Iowa caucus results were very disappointing for an incumbent (which Trump is essentially running as). Also if those poll numbers are remotely accurate, that's an indication that Trump's support is weak among GOP voters who aren't hard core MAGA. The Biden campaign, DNC, Lincoln Project and their allies should be aiming to try to convince 25 to 30 percent of Republican voters to abandon Trump, which actually seems doable, at least according to the polls from Iowa.

It's time to expand the Bannon Line strategy; if 11% of these Republican voters would support Biden instead of Trump that means that the Bannon Line has expanded. There are other off ramps from Trump for people who can't stand Trump but for whatever reason can't bring themselves to vote for Biden, such as voting third party, writing in someone's name (like Liz Cheney), or staying home.

Obviously the ideal is to get as many Republican voters to support Biden, but anyone not voting for Trump is a win. I think there several different swathes of anti-Trump voter types: The ones who can be convinced that Biden has been a good president, the ones who would be willing to hold their nose and vote for Biden because Trump is so awful, and the ones who can't stand Trump or Biden (double haters). There has to be a way to refine the message for these different voter types.

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Many many thanks.

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