Right on Reed! Donald should be building coalitions. Instead he's pushing away anyone who sees through his Big Con. He only wants blind loyal MAGAs. Which is about 10% of the adult population. Still, the election rides on a few hundred thousand votes in 6 states. Those are the humans who can be attracted to the honorable guy. Rather than the sex offender, business fraud, traitor guy.

I pray the DNC and the Biden Campaign are reaching out to Christy and Bush and Haley and Cheney and Kinzinger and all the other anti-Donald Rs. If we envision them all on stage with Biden, giving him their full endorsement, just before the voting starts in October, perhaps, just maybe, please lord, this will manifest in reality.

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What I’d like to see is the women of Texas throwing out Ted Cruz and all the republicans who voted for their punishing abortion bill.

Where are they? Don’t they care? Don’t their husbands, fathers, brothers care?

Organize or join an organization, register voters, knock on doors and throw out every single republican.

Or don’t complain.

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I love the Venn diagram. You are right! The hocking of Bibles however, is more sinister than selling Trump sneakers or Trump ice. Millions of white Evangelicals are trapped in his thrall.

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Reed, thank you and everyone at LP for all that you have done and will do. On a more editorial note, I see some issues with yours and Rick's letters. May I offer you my editorial eye to scan before you publish? All the best, Anna

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I see some things as well. However, I like the inconsistencies, the changes in format, even the errors. To me, it makes me believe that Rick and Reed are more accessible than other activists. (They are accessible, but no more than others.). As a retired math teacher, I loved the hand drawn Venn diagram. Yes, it may have been less professional, but for my tastes, more real.

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Apr 2·edited Apr 2

find daily volunteer actions at https://action.jointheunion.us

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Is anyone on your team focused on members of the Church of Latter Day Saints? They make up close to 7% of NV and AZ and close to 5% in MT. These voters are incredibly gettable with anti-Project 25/Christian Nationalist messaging. Their history is full of persecution and exile by governments just like that.

Someone in your group should focus on this voter bloc. (Trump is less popular in Utah than pretty much any other red state!)

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We must remain focused on winning the Information War with effective messaging, and using stories such as the Maryland Bridge catastrophe to our advantage. Flipping from the conspiracy theories narrative to how we can rebuild better with Mitigation Measures and Resiliency using the Framework set forth by the Administration. It ties int, being able to withstand adversity and becoming a beacon of light in the storm that is the current situation.

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Stay Focused on the things that matter! Again, you gave us all many talking points that we can adapt into our own conversations. Most important one: Get out the door and talk with friends, neighbors, and who-ever. As for me, my walking/talking shoes have been busy--but not busy enough. Great advice to us all. Thanks, Reed.

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Listened to the first part of the series. So informative! And my daughter lives in Park City too but she drives a Subaru.

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Just must read the book, White Rural Rage! I might have a greater understanding of the rage, but doubt I can change their perception!

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Reed, I’m enjoying your enlightening posts! If MAGA could read, they might too!🤨

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Love this piece

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