Forget Twitter rules -- that is a federal violation, no? Threatening the POTUS or VP? Hopefully someone on Twitter passed it along to the Secret Service and FBI.

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Not sure, but drawing (or scribble-scratching) on an American Flag definitely is.

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Somebody probably needs to call in a welfare check on his wife.

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Not gonna lie, as I head to PA from MA soon for a week of door-knocking, this terrifies me. But I'll do it.

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Reed, I have followed you since the first days of the Lincoln Project; you are one of my American heroes. You have taught me so much and I appreciate everything you have done, are doing and will continue to do. Thank you. With hope from across the pond 🇬🇧 Alexis

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My belief is that Trumpism is a choice.

Perhaps 20% of MAGA believe the lies and propaganda, but the remainder have simply revealed who they are.

From JD Vance to Ted Cruz to Elon Musk and all the "Todds"...this is a choice, they are not victims of propaganda.

As to those who recommended calling the police, a reminder that the Fraternal Order of Police gave a full-throated endorsement of Trump last week.

Law enforcement endorsing a felon is a choice.

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God bless you and your colleagues for doing the work you are doing. I don’t know how you stayed calm in the face of that idiot.

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1. I'm glad you're all safe.

2. Why didn't you call 911? I imagine he is terrorizing his neighbors.

3. Did you get video of him? Send that to the cops so if he attacks someone else, he can't lie about it.

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Isn’t threatening to “get my shotgun” breaking the law? You should’ve pursued it. He seems like a danger to society and perhaps the next encounter he does shoot someone.

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PA is going to kick the Orange Domestic Terrorist to the curb again - just like we did in 2020. Especially us women 💪🏼 here in the Phila ‘burbs. I am so freakin’ tired of seeing, hearing & reading about this guy. I am annoyed that his followers have co-opted things for his white grievance movement. I gave up on the GOP after the Helsinki Treason Summit, and now anyone down ballot with an R next to their name is also a cancer on our country, as is this “Todd” guy in Bensalem. (Fitting that he’s photographed next to a dumpster 😀) . I am thankful that Josh Shapiro has been such a bulldog here in our state & will be a huge help in lifting the Harris/Walz effort here.

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Your account is terrifying. I’m relieved you’re all ok. Hard to imagine “Todd” ever being ok … bring on November 5!! 💪💪💪🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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"South Brooklyn?" Pennsylvania clearly has a border crisis. Signed: 11th-generation Pennsylvanian.

P.S. Ever notice that Fox News appears to be as packed with people who are either Irish Catholic or whose names end in vowels as the Supreme Court? Pulling up the ladder behind themselves indeed.

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Absolutely. 3rd gen Irish-American and this attitude “for me, but not for thee” pisses me off so much. Those of us whose families came here more recently should know better.

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My German ancestors were invited over 1709-1741 by William Penn. I'm sure "The English" already here weren't wild about a bunch of "foreigners" speaking their own language, but we managed to become reasonably productive members of society over the last ensuing 300 years. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pennsylvania_Dutch

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They were not, probably. And there’s at least one Ben Franklin quote going around social media where he complains about all them damn furriners cluttering up Philly.

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Yes, I've noticed. As someone whose maiden name ended in a vowel, I'm embarrassed.

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Riveting. Enraging. Motivating. Confirming. MAGA is on the run.

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And no one is even trying to assasinate Elon Musk!

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First glad you’re safe. Second yes we need to confront now as it will only grow worse. Third “Todd”’s behavior may not be limited to Democracy or Dems. It can be anyone. It may be a regular occurrence and the local police are familiar with the person and prior instances. Yes we need to win this by a massive margin. Lots of work ahead. Early voting begins this week so no time to waste.

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Sep 17Liked by Reed Galen

REED: Much respect to you for walking door-to-door.

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Sadly these cranks are everywhere, and they are emboldened by the insane narcissist they worship. You didn’t go into detail about the physical assault Reed, but I hope the young boxer who was grabbed by the neck punched the guy good and hard.

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