Trump's plan:

Become dictator

Project 2025

Enact martial law

Enact the insurrection act

Suspend the Constitution

Full immunity

Turn our backs on our allies & align us with other world dictators

Return power to the white man where women & those of color have no say.

Trump and his MAGA cult Christian nationalist are the biggest danger to our country, our democracy and our constitution! Trump can never be allowed back into the WH!

This 2024 election t-shirt is great 👇


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When I first saw this ad early today, the words "Unified Reich" jump out and stopped me cold. Definitely not a mistake on their posting. They just keep on showing us who they are. Shameful and dangerous.

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Incisive post. What is it about the word subjugation that the American people don’t understand?

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Your perspective continues to give me some small measure of hope. As Trump becomes more unhinged and Biden continues to calmly stay the course, I worry less about the popular vote. But we are harnessed to the electoral college, and I cannot see how that antiquated system would result in anything but a Trump victory. It is a horrifying thought, and we as a nation seem to be sleeping right through this dire threat to our existence.

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Cmon man! I’m the one asleep at the helm!

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Where can we actually see this ad? It should be blasted all over the internet and on the media!!!!

The blathering, sociopath fool has become inflated with delusions of grandeur by all his sycophant "handlers" into believing he is a Fascist god....!!!!!!!!! He's an infectious disease without a cure....what TF is going to happen if he loses....I dread thinking about it...worst yet, what if he wins???????

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There will be violence and mayhem if he loses. There will be violence and mayhem if he wins. We are standing at the edge of a catastrophe.

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May I just say that I am terrified of what lies ahead for all of us 😡🤯😩👿

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Put this on a sign, and Add ‘This is what the GOP wants for our Countrymen - A Unified Reich’ print I at 2 by 3 feet and stand at a busy intersection in 5 o’clock traffic. Otis raining heavy where I am today, waiting until tomorrow.

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btw thanks for the great conversation today!!!!! xx

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May 22·edited May 22

This wasn't just a random campaign worker posting on Trump's Truth Social. Nobody posts for him, except an approved surrogate (as recently reported in court testimony) that he reviews and controls details done in his name. I posit this was something developed by his inner circle of campaign staff (visualizing Steven Miller giggling like a 5th grade boy when writing this) and offering it to him for approval.

In psychology, it's called Conditioned Response/Pavlove's Law. We get conditioned to repeated outrages and begin to accept and expect them. A bit too far down that Overton Window. for most of us to swallow (yet).

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Thank you for writing this.

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