Reed…all this good news about how TFG is a sinking ship and short on ‘gelt’…as my ancestors would have said , warms the cockles

of my hear!. Could it be an indicator of more wonderful things to come?…presents for the sane part of society and it’s not even Christmas!

Please keep up the good work/writing…xxG

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I believe the only reason he’s in the campaign is to draw money to himself. He’s less about being POTUS than making money off the rubes. Being POTUS is attractive to him but money is much more important to him.

He’s going to need a whole lot of it to escape to Slovenia. That is if Melania lets him go with her.

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Reed & Rick - outstanding podcast today 2/27/24 on TLP re Russian history and our U.S. Politics - please do MORE of that intersection between Russian history & US politics - just really loved it ! Thank you both for all your hard work & time - we really appreciate it !

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Reed: Nice break down of the situation. Good discussion with Rick on your podcast. I remember the cold war only too well. Russia/Soviets were never our friends. Now to the FU Men. I don't understand them at all. Their anger just seems to be anger. The Christian Nationalist (not very Christian in my opinion) have highjacked Christianity. Also, they certainly don't believe in the First Amendment or the 14 Amendment, both concerning separation of church and state and freedom. Just where are the courts concerning this."

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Trump is known to rebound. I sm afraid he will find this half billion of dollars. Now let us see how and from whom! Lock him up pdq

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I hope they put him in jail in this next upcoming trial

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I just hope the SCOTUS doesn't push his outrageous Immunity claim past April 22. Which is ridiculous to begin with

Justice needs to be SERVED

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Great analysis, Reed, and I love the toupee on the elephant. It's going to be so satisfying to see Trump go broke and go down, and it may just be his mouth, not a conviction, that sinks him. Still, you’d expect a defacto incumbent president to be getting over 85% of the vote and he’s not even close. So thanks for the great breakdown on why, and may the pain and loss keep coming.

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When looking at the two campaigns (Trump/Biden), I hope what we’re seeing is a rope-a-dope scenario where Biden is amassing millions in campaign funds that will be deployed later after Trump’s campaign is bankrupted. I also think Biden is waiting for a win on the Gaza front to come out full force.

Can anyone enlighten me on the options if the GOP decides not to let Biden have the SOTU? I wasn’t aware when Pelosi did this to Trump. I hope Biden has options. TIA.

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Feb 28·edited Feb 28

There's a long way to go yet. A week is a long time in politics; eight months is an eternity for an election. Biden's already sitting on a $250m war chest. And, as Reed & rick have pointed out, the Biden campaign has pre-booked a huge number of TV advertising slots etc. for the fall. That's when electioneering counts, not now.

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