I love your comment on French Laundry. It was unforgivable at the time and as far as i know, her has never admitted regret. I find him untrustworthy and unlikeable. Even as a life-long Democrat i couldn't support him if he were the candidate.

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Useful comments and I’ll do my best to keep my maga hatred focused on FFOTUS and his deplorable regime instead of the cult members. I think of the suffering Ukrainians dying daily from the criminal russian invaders and FFOTUS siding with these MOFOs. I’m a 30 year retired military veteran who refuses to side with international war criminals and their allies. I subscribed to the 2018 National Defense Strategy when sane people authored it vice the current f’n morons. Anyway, thank you for your comments.

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Peter this is a really good distinction. I don't think that anything Donald Trump or his people are doing is in the best interest of the US or the world. And we should continually call them out for their actions. No one is asking you (nor would I ever) to 'side' with Trump, Putin, etc...

IF, however, you see a Trump voter who is peeling away, don't send them back into MAGA's arms.

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Thank you Reed! Couldn’t agree more. We live in MAGA country Florida Keys and our approach with our Republican friends has changed from calling them crazy to curiosity and asking questions and sharing ideas instead of running away…feels better for us for sure to be patient and open.

I wish all would lose the anger and reach out

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This analysis is absolutely brilliant. Trumpism is basically nothing more than Trump falsely claiming “I got screwed just like you’re getting screwed.” And the reason why Trump comes off as not pretentious and as authentic, unlike many Democrats like California Gavin Newsom, in my judgement, is because he is authentic in the most grotesque and perverse fashion imaginable.

He is authentic about being a liar, bully, thug, hypocrite, racist, and fascist. Some Americans who have been supporting Trump for a long time and most who crossed over from supporting Biden in 2020 to supporting him on 2024 or did not vote in 2024 but voted for Biden in 2020 have likely been doing and did so out of extreme frustration with their personal financial circumstances or a specific policy like former President Biden’s screwed-up Israel-Palestine policy or our nation’s broken immigration system. They knew full well what Trump stood for and voted for him regardless due to this extreme frustration.

But I believe that Trump’s depravity and evil and the Republicans in Congress unwillingness to do anything to stop it will lead many of these same Americans to turn hard against him because of how much his policies and conduct end up hurting them and their loved ones and/or those those involved in the issues they care about.

Reed is correct in saying that these Americans, as difficult as it may be for Democrats and others opposed to Trump to do, should be treated with grace and compassion when they defect from the MAGA fascist cult. Not only because it is the right thing to do in of itself but also so that they do not fall back into it and continue to pose a threat to the rest of us and our democracy.

Then, at some point, the circumstances and mentality that lead to so many Americans embracing this insanity will need to be addressed in order to prevent it from happening again, kind of like Germany did after the Holocaust, Russia never really did after the fall of the former Soviet Union; and the American South never really never did after the Confederacy surrendered in 1865 and Jim Crow collapsed in 1965.

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Very to the point. Learning how to redirect a question or not answering a question is something I need to work on. Particularly not answering the question by simply saying, "That is not an issue." So simple a reply that can get you out of the weeds at least momentarily. Then follow up with a question such is protecting local health care, etc. And thanks, Reed, for lifting up "That Trippi Show." It is always worth a listen.

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